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Body Treatment

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 Body Massage & Detox

Original: $98  /  Trial: $78
VIP Membership Package: $880/10 Session

75 Min

Body massage and body detox. Experience how Lymphatic Drainage can change your health. Understand what's going on with your body with a Complete Body Analysis. Receive nutrition guidance to support your health. This all inclusive program will start you on your journey for better health and wellness.The lymphatic massage will help you rid your body of unwanted toxins.


 Back Massage

Original: $48  /  Trail: $43

VIP Membership Package: $430/10 Session


A hot stone back massage can help alleviate the discomfort of back or neck pain, which can disrupt your day and affect your performance or ability to focus. Ignoring the discomfort can be difficult and may worsen the problem over time. This type of massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue, making it particularly effective for chronically tight or painful muscles, postural problems, and repetitive strain. The hot stones can help to further relax the muscles and improve blood flow, leading to greater pain relief and overall relaxation. By addressing these issues, a professional hot stone back massage can provide much-needed relief and help you feel rejuvenated.

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